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MUTTC Open + ASEAN Games

Competition News!!

On the 31st of August, from 12-5pm, MUTTC will be hosting our semesterly competition! This time it will be a teams-based competition, so if you have someone in mind (of relatively similar standard) that you want to play with, be quick and ask them now, before someone else does! If you don’t have a teammate, we can help you find one!

There will be multiple divisions in this competition, and you will be allocated to a division based on your team’s average skill level, so you’ll be guaranteed to play against other players of a similar standard to you! Each teams match will consist of two best of 5 singles matches (1 per player), and one best of 3 doubles match! The cost will be $20 per MUTTC team, and $30 for other teams. For MUTTC members, please express your interest at the following link:

For members of other universities, please contact your university club president/representative!

Each team will be guaranteed at least 4 teams matches, and there will be lots of prizes to be won on the day, so be sure to enter while you can! Dinner will also be provided 😊

Also, on the 14th and 15th of August, ASEAN Games will be played at MSAC. Anyone can enter this event, so you don’t have to be ‘Asean’ to play. They have open singles, split into 3 divisions, and open doubles. Singles round robin (groups) will be played on the 14th, with the knockouts and doubles played on the 15th. Please express your interest in competing at the following link:

The cost will be $15 per event, and we have a limit on how many players we can bring so you better sign up quick!

Anyone that intends to bank transfer us for either of these competitions, our details are below:

Account Name: MUTTC

BSB 083457

Account Number: 554874148

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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