It was a pleasure seeing quite a great amount of participation in yesterday's Victorian Intervarsity Games tournament hosted by MUTTC. This marks the third VIGs tournament of this year and we are glad to have seen the work put into organising the event come through successfully.
Whether you're reading this as a current member, potential member or a student of another university, we strongly recommend you participate in future tournaments! Our mission is to work to bring enjoyable and memorable experiences through our events, regardless of your skill level!
Congratulations to the winners of each division -
Division 1: 1st: Yugandh Zende 2nd: William Zheng 3rd: Jiayi Zhou
Division 2: 1st: Aoran Lu 2nd: Chenyu Jiao 3rd: Mavis Lau
Division 3: 1st: Wendell Zhang 2nd: Jerry Zhao 3rd: Sanjit Sen
A massive shoutout to our sponsors:
Ariston Table Tennis Sales - Butterfly distributor for Australia for providing the prizes for the tournament and for also setting up a stall for people to come purchase table tennis gear
BBT Lab for providing all our participants lots of bbt to drink ;)
Other photos from the tournament can be viewed here: